Warmduscher is:
Clams Baker (Mutado Pintado/Paranoid London)
Lightnin’ Jack Everett (Fat White Family)
The Saulcano (Insecure Men, Fat White Family)
Mr Salt Fingers Lovecraft (Childhood, Insecure Men)
The Witherer aka Little Whiskers (Paranoid London
Warmduscher news
Warmduscher announce fifth album “Too Cold To Hold” with new single “Fashion Week”
Upcoming Warmduscher gigs
22 February 2025 | Warmduscher | Polaris Hall | Portland | US |
23 February 2025 | Warmduscher | Madame Lou's | Seattle | US |
26 February 2025 | Warmduscher | Lodge Room | Los Angeles (LA) | US |
27 February 2025 | Warmduscher | Bottom of the Hill | SF Bay Area | US |
01 March 2025 | Warmduscher | The Empty Bottle | Chicago | US |
04 March 2025 | Warmduscher | The Garrison | Toronto | Canada |
05 March 2025 | Warmduscher | Bar le Ritz PDB | Montreal | Canada |
06 March 2025 | Warmduscher | Rockwell | Boston / Cambridge | US |
07 March 2025 | Warmduscher | Brooklyn Made | New York (NYC) | US |
08 March 2025 | Warmduscher | Johnny Brenda's | Philadelphia | US |
23 May 2025 | Warmduscher | Wide Awake Festival 2025 | London | UK |