Jackie Lynn is the fictional alter ego of singer/songwriter Haley Fohr who is also known for her indie folk project Circuit des Yeux. The debut album told the story of Jackie’s (fictional) life to date. On ‘Jacqueline’, Jackie Lynn returns and her continuing story is brought to us by Fohr, Cooper Crain, Rob Frye and Dan Quinlivan of Bitchin Bajas.
Along with the announcement, the band have shared the album’s first single, the driving and hypnotic opening song ‘Casino Queen’ which...
Jackie Lynn is the fictional alter ego of singer/songwriter Haley Fohr who is also known for her indie folk project Circuit des Yeux. The debut album told the story of Jackie’s (fictional) life to date. On ‘Jacqueline’, Jackie Lynn returns and her continuing story is brought to us by Fohr, Cooper Crain, Rob Frye and Dan Quinlivan of Bitchin Bajas.
Along with the announcement, the band have shared the album’s first single, the driving and hypnotic opening song ‘Casino Queen’ which is accompanied by a video directed by Krzys Piotrowski and the band’s Haley Fohr.
The album is the follow-up to 2016’s widely acclaimed, self-titled debut. Speaking on the origins of the song and video, Fohr states: “‘Casino Queen’ showcases a night in the life of Jacqueline. The song and video follow the letting go of an individual’s underdog mentality, realigning it with the winner’s place. What does it take to refocus one’s internal mirror and become a Casino Queen? All in due time shall we each define ourselves prosperous by way of intuition, self belief, nearby shoulders, a bit of luck, and maybe a wig.”
Jackie first broke the waves with a self-titled record in 2016. The image was alluring. There were masks, and She first broke the waves with a self-titled record in 2016. The image was alluring. There were masks, and a wild backstory. Something you could project up on a screen. The music was a gritty, quicksilver sound; nocturnal, high. There was press. Rumours of a cult following in Europe. She made appearances around town for about a year, then – nothing. Unless you spun the record, then it all came alive again. We do it all the time.
So we live with music and memories, and suddenly it’s 2020. And Jackie’s back. Forced off the grid, Jackie’s self-proclaimed hero-of-none’s story was one of revenge and reconciliation – but with the help of the benevolent spirit of strangers, Jackie Lynn has earned herself a second go-around. With a map as her guide, and all the weight of the world as her cargo, Jacqueline, lady of the road, is born.
These 9 tracks that tell the story of Jacqueline were written and recorded as a group, first to tape at home, then mixed at Electrical Audio by Cooper Crain.
Out on Drag City Records.
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